Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Front Cover Analysis.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009
2. Analyse the relevant four pages from different magazines.
3. Analyse some syudent magazines.
4. Prelim task and evaluation.
5. Pitch your new magazine within the market.
6. Make your banner.
7. Magazine Moodboard.
8. Breakdown of institutional features.
9. Flatplan and Photo-FlatPlan.
10. Reece shots and rehersal shots; photos of group in action.
11. Screengrabs throughout of photoshop and DTP.
12. Draft version for feedback.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
More Influences For My Magazine.
Research into Exhibtion
3 ways UK Film council wants to make non main stream films more accessible?
Raising Awarness: About £4.Million Pound every year is provided to promote and advertise films.
Improving Access: The digital screen network is made up of 240 screens accross the U.K that show independant films in mainstream cinema's.
More Information: Viral Marketing, websites, social networking sites.
Home Entertainment:Since the recession, box office takings have risen. The question is why do people spend money during the recession when they are trying to save money for more important things like food? Well this is because seeing a film is a cheap source of entertainment compared to other things for famillies and provides escapism which means that people can just relax and forget about all their other worries. So with all these new releases at cinema's, there is sure to be something for the whole family.
Home Entertainment:As new technologies like H-D, Blu-Ray and surround sound carry on to grow, it is fast becoming a more popular way to watch films in the comfort of your own home. Even though new technologies can become expensive compared to a trip to the cinema, it would be alot easier and cheaper in the long-term to buy a home entertainment system. This causes concern for cinema's because if people would rather wait for a film to be released on DVD and then stay in home and watch it, the box office takings would decrease rapidly and cinema's would have to cut their prices to drag people back in.
Monopolization: Cinema's have to constantly strive for the monoply. The monopoly is market share and cinema's have to strive for it, because know-one has all of it.
BBFC-British board of film classfication:This is the organisation that deal with film classifications. They decide what rating goes to each film and when it comes out on DVD. They also decide whether a film is suitable and if they need to ban it or not. They have the power to overule producers and ditributors.
There are 3 stages in which the BBFC use to classify a film:
Stage 1- "Legal" Does the film break the law? should it be banned?
Stage 2- "Protective" Does anyone need protecting from this film?
Stage 3- " Social" Is there bad language in the film? Does it need to be tonned down a bit?
BFI-British Film Institute.
Categorie A- Films made with all British resources.
Categorie B- Mostly British money, with some foreign input.
Categorie C- Mostly foriegn investment, with some input from Britain.
Categorie D- British cultural content, but mostly financed by America.
Categorie E- American films, with some british involvement.