Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Above the line advertising: Advertising where the public eye cannot miss it, like film premieres on the ITV news. 2012 had a massive billboard in 2009 to advertise the film.

Below the line advertising: Advertising that you have to look for, like websites.

DSN: Digital screen network, which is where films are encrypted into digital.

Vertical Integration: Where companies join together to produce and distribute a film. They get a bigger profit, as they don't have to pay royalties.

Horizontal Integration: Where the producing company has to sell the film to a producing company.

Synergy Marketing: Where one company uses the success of another to promote one other.

Viral Marketing: Word of mouth.

Product Placement: This is when a company pays another to use their product in a movie or in a TV series. For example "Coke" would pay "Bridget Jones" to advertise their product in the movie.

Conglomerate: Universal pairing company integration of films. Work together as congomerate e.g Working Title & Universal Studios.

Four Quandrant Audience: Old, Young, Male, Female - applies to everyone. Has a bigger budget and a bigger audeince.

Niche Market: Little/Small Audiences.

35mm Prints: Film Reel.

Convergence: When something works together, so that the quality isnt lost.

Encryption Codes: Have to decode before shown film.

Escapism: Reason for people to get away from daily hassels and to relax watching a film.

Merchandising: Mugs, T-shirts etc.

Stock Writers: People who the scripts.

Prefabricated: Sets that are already there. For example in "This is England" they used a real place and setting to film.

BFI: Stopping Piracy. "Love film-hate piracy".

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