Merchandise: Merchandise is something that people use to advertise their new film. It can be toys, mugs, key rings and even clothing. It's above the line advertising because you cant get away from it.
Below is an example of merchandise for the the James Bond film Casino Royale.

Viral Marketing: Viral Marketing is basically word of mouth. For example "2012" published a website about the upcoming film. People started to believe that the world was going to end, and it caused major problems. People then told other people and then it eventually got into the media. This is what film producers of "2012" wanted their website to do. They wanted it to cause problems so that the film would get extra media attention.
Synergy Marketing: Synergy Marketing is when film producers use the success of a company to promote theirs. For example "up" and many others have used McDonald's success to advertise their film. They would put it on toys, and balloons and even the happy meal boxes. Another example is that James Bond producers used their success to promote "Sony".
Product Placement: This is where companies use the success of a film to promote their product. For example in James Bond, Daniel Craig promotes a lot of products. A few of the thing's he promotes would be Aston Martin's and Rolex watches.
Bridget Jones Diary (Working Title): To promote the film, the producers used merchandise. There was poster's, badges, keyrings and clothing that you could purchase from large cinema's. Bridget Jones' diary producers hired workers to promote their film and tell other people about it. The premiere would of also been talked about and passed on. They used "Galaxy" to promote Bridget Jones' diary by having competitions on front of the popular chocolate bar wrapper. Aswell as this they used Product placement by creating a soundtrack and promoting it on the movie. This would mean that people would buy it because they liked it or because they wanted it because bridget jones had it.
Below is an example of merchandise for the the James Bond film Casino Royale.

Viral Marketing: Viral Marketing is basically word of mouth. For example "2012" published a website about the upcoming film. People started to believe that the world was going to end, and it caused major problems. People then told other people and then it eventually got into the media. This is what film producers of "2012" wanted their website to do. They wanted it to cause problems so that the film would get extra media attention.
Synergy Marketing: Synergy Marketing is when film producers use the success of a company to promote theirs. For example "up" and many others have used McDonald's success to advertise their film. They would put it on toys, and balloons and even the happy meal boxes. Another example is that James Bond producers used their success to promote "Sony".
Product Placement: This is where companies use the success of a film to promote their product. For example in James Bond, Daniel Craig promotes a lot of products. A few of the thing's he promotes would be Aston Martin's and Rolex watches.
Bridget Jones Diary (Working Title): To promote the film, the producers used merchandise. There was poster's, badges, keyrings and clothing that you could purchase from large cinema's. Bridget Jones' diary producers hired workers to promote their film and tell other people about it. The premiere would of also been talked about and passed on. They used "Galaxy" to promote Bridget Jones' diary by having competitions on front of the popular chocolate bar wrapper. Aswell as this they used Product placement by creating a soundtrack and promoting it on the movie. This would mean that people would buy it because they liked it or because they wanted it because bridget jones had it.
The Boat That Rocked(Working Title): To promote the film, producers used merchandise. They made clothing, posters and advertised in magazines and on social networking sites. They used viral marketing by having a premiere which got into the media which then was talked about as well as being in newspapers. They produced a soundtrack which was form of product placement.
James Bond-Casino Royale(Columbia Pictures): To promote the film, producers used merchandise. These included toys, gadgets, keyrings, bed covers, mugs, clothing and many more. Word about the new James Bond film coming out was soon spread around, from it being in the media and on the news to the news on the school playground and in the workplace. Of course the centre of attention was the new character of James Bond, Daniel Craig. There was premieres everywhere which soon got into the media. Before the film Daniel Craig promoted his new film by doing adverts for top brands including "sony".Producers wanted to use the success of "sony" and to promote their film. Product placement was used in Casino Royale with Daniel Craig wearing "Rolex" watches and driving "Aston Martins". They wanted their products to be seen in this film so that people would buy them to be like Daniel Craig.
As you can see, there is a very big difference between middle range films and Hollywood films. Hollywood films have alot more money to spend on marketing and advertisement than what middle of the range films do. Therefore Hollywood films always seem to be the most popular ones because of them being marketed so well.
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