Above The Line Marketing
Above the line marketing is basically advertisements that you cany get away from. They are everywhere. If a hollywood film is just about to come out its advertised everywhere. Billboards, Magazines, bus sides, Social networking sites newspapers, and trailers. When hollywood hit films have premieres you can never get away from them. They are always on the news or in newspapers. Some even go as far as making merchandise and clothing.
Below The Line Marketing
Below the line marketing is never as over the top as above the line marketing. If you want to see advertisements on films that aren't going to be as popular you have to look for it more. They won't be all over the place like above the line advertisements. You will find them in magazines, on websites and in newspapers but nothing so extreme as premieres on the news or merchandise and clothing.
Strategies Of Marketing
2012: The studio released a teaser trailer of 2012 on November 12th 2008. The studio also launched a viral marketing website operated by the fictional institute for human continuity, where filmgoers could register for lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from the global desruction. More stategie of marketing that the producers used for "2012" are posters, building sized billboards, bus sides, merchandise, magazines and many more.
Above the line marketing is basically advertisements that you cany get away from. They are everywhere. If a hollywood film is just about to come out its advertised everywhere. Billboards, Magazines, bus sides, Social networking sites newspapers, and trailers. When hollywood hit films have premieres you can never get away from them. They are always on the news or in newspapers. Some even go as far as making merchandise and clothing.
Below The Line Marketing
Below the line marketing is never as over the top as above the line marketing. If you want to see advertisements on films that aren't going to be as popular you have to look for it more. They won't be all over the place like above the line advertisements. You will find them in magazines, on websites and in newspapers but nothing so extreme as premieres on the news or merchandise and clothing.
Strategies Of Marketing
2012: The studio released a teaser trailer of 2012 on November 12th 2008. The studio also launched a viral marketing website operated by the fictional institute for human continuity, where filmgoers could register for lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from the global desruction. More stategie of marketing that the producers used for "2012" are posters, building sized billboards, bus sides, merchandise, magazines and many more.
A Serious Man: A serious man was released in the United States on October 2nd 2009. The film has attracted a highly positive critical response. They used magazines and websites to promote the film in the united states. This film isn't as big as "2102". However film producers still managed to use posters, magazines and social networking sites to promote this film.
Bunny & The Bull: Bunny & The Bull is an upcoming Britsh Comedy from writer/director Paul King. It is currently planned for release in November 2009. This has the lowest budget out of these three films. This resulted in thier promotional advertising techniques being alot less noticeable. To promote the film Noel Fielding was cast as one of the main characters. This would then attract his fans of his previous work. They used thier own film website, social networking sites, and had a premiere to promote this film. The premiere however did not have a huge affect on the media attention because of it's level of popularity.
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